DfT Review of Function of TC's Published

 DfT Review of Function of TC’s Published

This review (published at the end of May 2023) looked at the Traffic Commissioner (TC) function to include:

·         provide robust assessment, challenge and assurance on the health and effectiveness of the TC function

·         ask whether the functions are still required and should continue to be carried out by TCs

·         ask whether the setup of the TC function allows those functions to be delivered effectively

·         ask whether the existing governance and accountability arrangements are effective and appropriate

After a lengthy review period, the DfT have finally published their findings on the TC’s function.

This is an important review for anyone who attends Public Inquiries and works with operators on a regular basis as the proposal incorporates a significant review of the current structure and workings of the tribunal.

There were 13 recommendations in total with the main findings as follows:

·         Fee structure to be reformed and consolidated to remove the current operating deficit – likely that the flat fee structure will be revised.

·         Report recommends ONE independent tribunal body (rather than sit as eight individual tribunals), with one president.

·         There should be a dedicated Senior Chief Operating Officer to manage the OTC staff and engage with key stakeholders. This would remove some of the current issues around lack of impartiality in circumstances where the TC function is “managed” by DVSA Enforcement, despite being a party to its hearings.

·         DfT to provide a sponsorship function

·         Consider a change of name which reflects the organisation’s judicial functions.

Given that the report suggested that implementation of the proposals would need to be considered alongside other government priorities (as parliamentary time allowed) these are proposals which may not come along any time soon but are likely to see some changes to the way the TC’s office functions over the next few years.

The full report can be found here Traffic Commissioner Function Review (publishing.service.gov.uk).

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